Hi, I’m so glad that you made it here.

I help women overcome their Anxiety naturally.

My name is Jamie. I am an Anxiety Mentor and an Energy Healer.

You’re in the right place if you struggle with Anxiety which may show up like this:

-Feeling like an “awkward” person or uncomfortable in your skin

-Feeling like your thoughts won’t stop, having trouble making decisions, and like your mind is “foggy”

-Exhaustion and low energy that has no other explanation

-Digestive issues, headaches, heart troubles, or other physical health concerns that your doctor can’t seem to solve

-Finding yourself often feeling negative and imagining worst case scenarios

-Experiencing feelings of irritability, panic, an inability to relax and/or be present

-Being stuck in a state of fight or flight

-Feeling things deeply and sensitively (and no there is nothing wrong with you for being this way)

If you’re resonating with these symptoms there is no need to judge yourself, be kind with yourself.

Self-awareness is the first step towards healing and transformation.

My Background:

  • Graduated from “Community and Justice Services” program, studying in the areas of: Psychology, Addictions and Mental Illness, and Sociology

  • Previously a Youth and Adult Caseworker, supporting hundreds of girls and women through the areas of: Anxiety, Depression, Eating and Body Image Struggles, Relationships, and Self-Empowerment

  • Personally navigating my way through Anxiety, Depression, Suicidality, Career Change, Breakups, and Weight Loss of over 60 pounds

  • Training with Experts in the field of transformational healing modalities including: Reiki, Chakra Work, Inner-Child Healing, and Emotional Freedom Technique

  • Most importantly, I’ve had a passion and natural gift since I was a small child for hearing people’s stories and being able to help support them in moving forward


"I am experiencing a lot of big life changes recently which is causing a lot of anxiety. Before my session with Jamie I was feeling especially wound up and anxious. During my session, Jamie gently asked questions with smart follow-ups. After my session with Jamie, I felt so relaxed. Much more calm.  More at peace with myself. I recommend seeking her out. She is gentle and genuine. Thank you Jamie. I look forward to our next session."


Join our FREE Private Facebook Group: “Incredible Humans Rising Above Anxiety Naturally”

It's a space to:
-- Learn information about overcoming anxiety naturally, as well as how Reiki and Chakra Healing can help
-- Posts of encouragement
-- Feel less alone and ask for support

I'm someone who always felt like I didn't fit in, which made me feel like an outcast and really alone. This is part of what pushed me to create this community. I’ve since embraced feeling like an outcast as my gift and it can be yours too.