Signs of Comfort: Feeling the Presence of our Passed Loved Ones

Have you heard of this small creature who’s said to be a messenger from beyond?

For anyone who’s navigating grief of a loved one passing away, I invite you to read on and learn more. 

We’ve all experienced the grief of a loved one passing away and for many, one of the hardest parts of navigating the loss is knowing that we won’t be able to visit with that person again. 

But… what if we could, in a slightly different way? 

Introducing Cardinals - which are said to be spirits visiting from heaven, according to old folklore. There’s a quote that says, “Cardinals appear when Angels are near.” 

Cardinals are a bird primarily found throughout North America.

I didn’t know much about them until I reached what I can call my “dark night of the soul” in the past.

A "dark night of the soul" can be explained as a profoundly challenging and painful period in one's life or a huge event that occurs which seems to invalidate the meaning that your life had before. 

For me, during the rock bottom period of my life, which you can read more on here, I felt really alone and as though I was growing apart from everyone that I was close to, feeling like I didn’t belong anywhere. 

This is when I started to see cardinals appear and learned about the meaning of them, and began to feel the energy of my passed loved ones around me.

Cardinals surely appeared at a time when I needed them most.

To me, seeing a cardinal brings about feelings of comfort and support. It makes me feel as though my passed loved ones are around (in a different form), and that when I’m having a hard time, everything is going to be okay. 

So, the next time you see one of these little guys, may you also feel comfort and support in knowing that you are never alone and your loved ones may be “closer” than you think.

With love and support,


P.S. If you’re resonating with my story and are also feeling alone, I invite you to check out our Free Private Community on Facebook, “Incredible Humans Rising Above Anxiety Naturally.”

It’s a safe space where I share posts of encouragement, information on anxiety and energy healing, guidance and tips, alongside a community of other people who are also healing their anxiety so that you don’t feel so alone.

Feeling the pull to join us?


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