Client Feedback

To preface and with his permission to share - Esmond was navigating the grief of two people in his life over a short span of time which he said made him feel really alone.

“The sessions help with my shoulder pain, my knees feel stronger, and my sore hip has been good since we started doing sessions. I always feel very relaxed after the sessions and almost fall asleep at times. They help me sleep better at night. Jamie is very helpful and pleasant to deal with.”


"Jamie helped tremendously in guiding me to work through grief/loss as well as gaining clarity.

Throughout the journey alongside Jamie's guidance, I felt lighter, more energized, more motivated to get back on track to get things done (big and small) re personal + professional objectives.  Furthermore, she helped me to identify my own personal passion for mental health.

Above all else, Jamie uses a kind, caring and compassionate approach in all her sessions and empathizes with my struggles, past experiences in what always felt like an emotionally safe + connected space. 

Thank you Jamie."


“After just one session with Jamie, I felt years of guilt and shame wash away as I was able to recognize my emotions and start the healing.”


“I had been struggling with lingering UTI type symptoms for 2 weeks that had me feeling agitated and miserable. During my session with Jamie, she helped me work through some stressful things I had going on in my life. After our session I went to sleep, woke up the next day and my symptoms were gone.”

*By working through your anxiety, it can help to improve physical symptoms and ailments too.


"I am experiencing a lot of big life changes recently which is causing a lot of anxiety. Before my session with Jamie I was feeling especially wound up and anxious. During my session, Jamie gently asked questions with smart follow-ups. After my session with Jamie, I felt so relaxed. Much more calm.  More at peace with myself. I recommend seeking her out. She is gentle and genuine. Thank you Jamie. I look forward to our next session."


“As an individual on spiritual path, i came to a point where my whole thinking and feeling system was getting too much for me. I have been with her few times before, she knows her stuff and i feel comfortable in her presence and well taken care off. In the world that we live in today are God sent and I for one appreciate her and her work. It has been relaxing and strangely energizing too. I felt light and confident after the session. My stress is reduced and I am feeling quite calm and confident about things that could be communicated. She is gifted, very very gifted. She has a supportive presence. For anyone looking to discover and harness the power of your energy, you can’t pick a better partner than Jamie. Thank you so much Jamie.”


“I had such a beautiful experience in a recent session with Jamie. Jamie held space and opened a much needed, very healing conversation between us and more so, within myself. Jamie was able to intuitively pinpoint specific areas of my life where I find the most challenging and through her knowledge, compassion and awareness of where I am at in my life, assist me in connecting the dots. Jamie assisted me in much needed clarity and a reminder for self-love. I am grateful for Jamie's intuitive insight and guidance as well as her beautiful nature. I highly recommend Jamie. She is a lovely, gifted, beautiful soul. Thank you Jamie!”


"Jamie understands what anxiety and depression is. What it feels like. What confusion is. What is it when things aren't clear enough. She understands what this constant pain and regrets are. She was very patient. Heard and understood my issues well. It is much easier to get some help from a person who has walked your path already. And Jamie is that person. She is very eager to help and bring some light into your life. Jamie, I am glad that you are on a path to help others see the light and feel better about themselves. Thank you.”


“I have prolonged pain in certain areas of my body and the night before the session I amplified that pain with a slip and fall.

I can honestly say that those areas I struggle with normally and the others are not even feeling bad at all 2 days after my session with Jamie.

At the beginning of my session with Jamie, I connected with her genuine passion to share her expertise of the journey of growth and healing with others.

I had a distant Reiki session (over Zoom) and still was able to receive the positive benefits.

I was honestly surprised I released tears as crying has been hard for me due to life hardships, I feared if I started may not stop.

Thankfully, I feel I was releasing blocked stuffed down emotions that were ready to be let go of.

I was thankful for this experience and have more clarity with my upcoming goals that the experience with Jamie guided me to.

Her optimism, positivity, and light will benefit others on their journey. I will be recommending her to family and friends.”


“Before the session with Jamie I felt rushed, busy, unfocused, and anxious. I felt like I was offered the opportunity to let all these busy feelings go and relax into the session ahead of us. This sense of welcome and being cared for continued as we proceeded through introductions and a conversation around my specific needs.

The session flowed very well and allowed me to relax and receive energetically and emotionally. Following the session I felt calm and had a sense of clarity around some things that came up for me while receiving.

Thank you Jamie for a beautiful experience.”


"Before the session with Jamie, I was having one of the worst weeks of my life. I was depressed and suicidal. When I entered into the session, I was tired, depleted, and sad. I was not really able to identify any particular reason for the low I was having. I hoped that maybe our session would bring me some relief or at least a chance to rest--other than that, I didn't know what to expect.

Jamie was incredibly helpful and walked me through the whole process. I felt really taken care of--often during Reiki sessions I get in my head wondering if I should be saying something or doing something, and Jamie walked me through everything so that I knew what my role was and how she would take care of me. 

After the session, I felt rested and cleared. As if I had a better understanding on what the root of the issue was without an instant need to solve it. I felt like I had permission to release what was clogging me, and the chance to move forward. Jamie was tremendously insightful, kind, and supportive throughout the whole process. It was the gift I didn't know I needed."


“Jamie did a long-distance session. It was very relaxing and she was very in tune with how I was feeling - before the session, I was feeling a little anxious, and afterwards I was very relaxed, and calm. She provided supportive feedback, with gentle inquiry showing her natural connection to energy. I believe that anyone who works with Jamie will benefit from her intuition and connection to spirit."


"After another on line Reiki session with Jamie, I once again was left with a great sense of peace. As I entered the session I was very sad, and as happens often talking with Jamie helped me look at other experiences in my life that may have contributed to these feelings. After much calm, caring words, Jamie led me down a path of forgiving. After my session, there was a weight taken away from me, a calmness, a sense of peacefulness... Jamie has an amazing gift. Her voice is both soothing and full of love. A gift to myself was letting Jamie help me on my journey to heal."

- Caryl 

"I have encountered many people who work with Reiki but nobody I've encountered can move it the same way Jamie can. from the moment I met her I was drawn to get a session done and once I did I completely understand why. This woman has a special connection you don't find on a daily basis. I 100% recommending."


Before my session with Jamie, I was feeling defeated, annoyed and frustrated with situations that were coming up around me, leaving me to feel unmotivated. I had been under a lot of stress and was experiencing headaches.

During the session, I felt supported as Jamie has such a soothing calming energy, and as she guided me through the session with her intuitive insights into my emotional blocks - I felt them release.

After the session, I felt so much more energy to get up and get things done. As well as feeling so much more relaxed, the clarity I intended for before the session started coming through and made me want to take action and regain balance of my own control.


"I fell right asleep on the couch once i got home and my boyfriend had to carry me to bed. i was so relaxed and relieved it felt like. i’m so pleased with your work, thank you thank you."


"When I arrived for a Reiki session with Jamie, I was feeling scattered, anxious and ungrounded. Jamie's intentions, have a very calming effect, and by the time the session is over, I felt hopeful, grounded, and more relaxed than I can remember being in a very long time. She has a very caring soul, and I experienced all of her caring and healing intentions that went into the session. Highly recommended for these turbulent times."


I struggle a lot with anxiety. Jamie had such a nurturing, kind, comforting energy, as I started talking to her she just felt so genuine.

After the session was over, I immediately felt more relaxed, and had a true sense of peace. She shared some different things that came up during the session that stick with me still. I can't recommend her enough, everyone should experience how wonderful and powerful an experience with Jamie can be. Very therapeutic, I will definitely be going back!!"


“Before my session with Jamie, I had a lot of anxiety. As soon as I started my session with Jamie I had an overwhelming sense of calmness come over me as she is very comforting and I felt as though my energy had completely shifted. I felt light. It’s something I do recommend for everyone to try. When the session was complete, I felt very light and as though I had more understanding of what was coming up for me, why I was stressed and why I felt like I was dealing with a lot which helped me grasp how to fix those issues in my life. If you are looking for someone to help you with any of these issues I’ve mentioned, I would definitely recommend seeing Jamie.”



“You are such a dear for supporting throughout my days, you made me happy to see your bright smile. Your warmth, kindness, and sweet just how incredible you are.”


“You are an exceptional human being. You are kind and considerable. Thank you for being there.”


“Before the Reiki Healing Meditation Circle with Jamie, I did not know what to expect as I had never looked into reiki before.

During the event, I felt comfortable enough with Jamie and the other participants to open up about the stressors in my life and felt empathy for others who shared their challenges.

After the event, I felt that the experience was worthwhile. In fact, I would have liked for it to have lasted longer.”

-Ryan, Reiki Healing Circle

"I participated in a group, reiki and meditation circle with Jamie, and a few others. It was wonderful right before Christmas to discuss things that we were all feeling, and not feel alone or judged. Jamie’s nature is so calming, and kind so easy to talk too. During this it felt relaxing as we got to the meditation, and I felt as though I would be to tired to continue getting my stuff done through the day, but it gave me energy to walk, and come home and do housework. The next day I had a bit of a cry but much needed. I would highly recommend Jamie, she truly cares for everyone!"

-Lynn, Reiki Healing Circle